- Rocky
- Haley
Let us introduce our 5 new residents! On December 12, 2017, these lucky animals came to their new loving permanent home at Catty Shack Ranch. The 4 tigers and a little grey fox came to us from a facility that suffered damage during Hurricane Irma. We were asked to take some animals so they could financially manage the repairs and care for the rest of the animals.
We are excited because the new tigers are all youngsters; they are now our youngest tigers. At a little over 4 years old, Dozer is a BIG handsome boy. He has time to grow even BIGGER as tigers may continue to mature until they reach age 5. He makes a large first impression on visitors as he occupies the first enclosure within the bamboo gate. He is our “greeter cat.” One of his favorite games is to “hide”, crouched down behind his feeding platform or up on the roof of his den box, peeking from behind one of the narrow enclosure posts. We haven’t told him that a big, vividly marked orange and black tiger can’t become invisible!

Rocky, Adrian and Haley live together in the back of the Ranch. Rocky and Adrian are brother and sister and Haley is their best friend. The siblings are about 21 months old and Haley is a little younger at 16 months old. We have nicknamed each group of animals joining us more recently – “The 5 Girls”, “The Fluffies”, “The Cheeseheads”. Of course, we have given this trio a group name – “The 3 Amigos”. They love their new home – racing around the grounds, flying through the elevated den box, playing in their pool, stalking visitors lined up along their barrier fencing. Haley quickly showed us a new way to enter their den box. Most tigers run through the front or back doors. She leapt from the back porch, up through the ventilation archway over the top of the door! We wonder what other tricks she will teach her buddies!

Our 5th new resident hasn’t made her public debut yet. Piper is a young grey fox who was born totally blind. She is in quarantine in the medical building as a new habitat is erected especially for her. She is enjoying her new world – new voices, new fluffy warm blankets, new crunchy dog cookies, new toys. Her new home will be next to Tippy and Chula’s enclosure and she will be able to hear, smell and talk to Cody and Callie too!
Come meet our new residents! Dozer wants you to check on him often – he may grow into our largest tiger – visible or invisible.
Welcome Dozer, Rocky, Adrian, Haley and little Piper! We love you already!