Catty Shack Ranch receives no federal, state, or city funding and no federal grants. We rely solely on admission fees and the donations of our sponsors and community. Donations are tax deductible!
You can make a one-time or a recurring (12 month) donation below.
You can also support the sanctuary by donating items from our wish list, donating items we need when you come to visit, or adopting your favorite residents.
With this option, you will be billed once with your chosen amount.
With this option, your payment option
(chosen below) will billed to you monthly for 12 months.
Donations may be brought to the main office at 1860 Starratt Road, anytime during CSR staffed hours Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm. Large donations (too heavy, bulky, or numerous) should be scheduled by a CSR staff member to make arrangements to offload through the service entrance or pick up. You may also bring donations with you when you are scheduled to volunteer.
All perishable supplies donated must be unexpired and unopened to be usable. CSR is always in need of the following items (immediate needs are in orange):